Anand Piramal - Piramal Enterprises Executive Director

PEL Stock   1,123  3.55  0.32%   


Anand Piramal is Executive Director of Piramal Enterprises Limited
Age 40
Address Piramal Tower Annexe, Mumbai, India, 400 013
Phone91 22 3802 3000

Piramal Enterprises Management Efficiency

The company has return on total asset (ROA) of (0.0202) % which means that it has lost $0.0202 on every $100 spent on assets. This is way below average. Similarly, it shows a return on equity (ROE) of (0.0584) %, meaning that it generated substantial loss on money invested by shareholders. Piramal Enterprises' management efficiency ratios could be used to measure how well Piramal Enterprises manages its routine affairs as well as how well it operates its assets and liabilities. At present, Piramal Enterprises' Other Assets are projected to increase significantly based on the last few years of reporting.
Piramal Enterprises Limited has accumulated 535.86 B in total debt. Debt can assist Piramal Enterprises until it has trouble settling it off, either with new capital or with free cash flow. So, Piramal Enterprises' shareholders could walk away with nothing if the company can't fulfill its legal obligations to repay debt. However, a more frequent occurrence is when companies like Piramal Enterprises sell additional shares at bargain prices, diluting existing shareholders. Debt, in this case, can be an excellent and much better tool for Piramal to invest in growth at high rates of return. When we think about Piramal Enterprises' use of debt, we should always consider it together with cash and equity.

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Piramal Enterprises Limited (PEL) is traded on National Stock Exchange of India in India and employs 13,706 people. Piramal Enterprises is listed under Investment Banking & Brokerage category by Fama And French industry classification.

Management Performance

Piramal Enterprises Leadership Team

Elected by the shareholders, the Piramal Enterprises' board of directors comprises two types of representatives: Piramal Enterprises inside directors who are chosen from within the company, and outside directors, selected externally and held independent of Piramal. The board's role is to monitor Piramal Enterprises' management team and ensure that shareholders' interests are well served. Piramal Enterprises' inside directors are responsible for reviewing and approving budgets prepared by upper management to implement core corporate initiatives and projects. On the other hand, Piramal Enterprises' outside directors are responsible for providing unbiased perspectives on the board's policies.
Ajay Piramal, Executive Chairman
Debopam Chaudhuri, Chief Economist
Rashida Najmi, VP Pharmacovigilance
Anand Vardhan, Group Counsel
Vivek Valsaraj, President
Swati Piramal, Vice Chairperson
Bipin Singh, Company Head
Shantanu Nalavadi, Managing L
Kamalakar Nayak, Chief Officer
Upma Goel, Chief Officer
Rupen Jhaveri, Group President
Hitesh Dhaddha, Chief Officer
Ravi Singh, Head Relations
Rajesh Shenoy, Global Services
Yesh Nadkarni, Chief Limited
Nitish Bajaj, Chief Division
Manjul Tilak, Chief Officer
BE CFA, MD Alternatives
Anil Srivastava, Bus Nutrition
Anand Piramal, Executive Director

Piramal Stock Performance Indicators

The ability to make a profit is the ultimate goal of any investor. But to identify the right stock is not an easy task. Is Piramal Enterprises a good investment? Although profit is still the single most important financial element of any organization, multiple performance indicators can help investors identify the equity that they will appreciate over time.

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Other Information on Investing in Piramal Stock

Piramal Enterprises financial ratios help investors to determine whether Piramal Stock is cheap or expensive when compared to a particular measure, such as profits or enterprise value. In other words, they help investors to determine the cost of investment in Piramal with respect to the benefits of owning Piramal Enterprises security.