Nice Information Financials

036800 Stock  KRW 21,400  50.00  0.23%   
We recommend to make use of Nice Information Telecommunication fundamental analysis to see if markets are presently undervaluing or overvaluing the entity. Strictly speaking, you can employ it to find out if Nice Information Tel is indeed mispriced or if you can make any profits on it by purchasing it and then waiting for the market to recognize its mistake and reprise the security. We were able to interpolate thirty-two available fundamentals for Nice Information, which can be compared to its peers in the industry. The stock experiences a normal downward trend and little activity. Check odds of Nice Information to be traded at W21186.0 in 90 days.
Understanding current and past Nice Information Financials, including the trends in assets, liabilities, equity and income are directly related to making proper and timely investing decisions. All of Nice Information's financial statements are interrelated, with each one affecting the others. For example, an increase in Nice Information's assets may result in an increase in income on the income statement.
The data published in Nice Information's official financial statements typically reflect Nice Information's business processes, product offerings, services, and other fundamental events. However, there are additional fundamental indicators that are easier to understand and visualize along the underlying realities that are driving Nice Information's quantitative information. For example, before you start analyzing numbers published by Nice accountants, it's essential to understand Nice Information's liquidity, profitability, and earnings quality within the context of the IT Services space in which it operates.
Please note, the presentation of Nice Information's financial position, as portrayed in its financial statements, is often influenced by management's estimates, judgments, and sometimes even manipulations. In the best case, Nice Information's management is honest, while the outside auditors are strict and uncompromising. Please utilize our Beneish M Score to check the likelihood of Nice Information's management manipulating its earnings.

Nice Information Stock Summary

Nice Information competes with KB Financial, Daiyang Metal, AurosTechnology, Jeju Bank, and Finebesteel. Nice Information Telecommunication, Inc.
InstrumentKorea Stock View All
Business Address17, Eunhaeng-ro, Seoul,
SectorIT Services
IndustryInformation Technology
BenchmarkDow Jones Industrial
Phone82 2 2187 2700
CurrencyKRW - South Korean Won
You should never invest in Nice Information without having analyzed its financial statements. Do not rely on someone else's analysis or guesses about the future performance of Nice Stock, because this is throwing your money away. Analyzing the key information contained in Nice Information's financial statements can give you an edge over other investors and help to ensure that your investments perform well for you.

Nice Information Key Financial Ratios

Nice Information's financial ratios allow both analysts and investors to convert raw data from Nice Information's financial statements into concise, actionable information that can be used to evaluate the performance of Nice Information over time and compare it to other companies across industries.

Nice Financial Ratios Relationships

Comparative valuation techniques use various fundamental indicators to help in determining Nice Information's current stock value. Our valuation model uses many indicators to compare Nice Information value to that of its competitors to determine the firm's financial worth. You can analyze the relationship between different fundamental ratios across Nice Information competition to find correlations between indicators driving Nice Information's intrinsic value. More Info.
Nice Information Telecommunication is number one stock in return on equity category among its peers. It also is number one stock in return on asset category among its peers . The ratio of Return On Equity to Return On Asset for Nice Information Telecommunication is about  467.65 . Comparative valuation analysis is a catch-all model that can be used if you cannot value Nice Information by discounting back its dividends or cash flows. This model doesn't attempt to find an intrinsic value for Nice Information's Stock. Still, instead, it compares the stock's price multiples to a benchmark or nearest competition to determine if the stock is relatively undervalued or overvalued.

Nice Information Tel Systematic Risk

Nice Information's systematic risk plays a vital role in portfolio allocation when considering its stock to be added to a well-diversified portfolio. Nice Information volatility which cannot be eliminated through diversification, requires returns over the risk-free rate. Over the long run, a well-diversified portfolio provides returns that match its exposure to systematic risk. In this case, investors face a trade-off between expected returns and systematic risk and, therefore, can only reduce a portfolio's exposure to systematic risk by sacrificing expected returns on the portfolio.
The output start index for this execution was thirty-six with a total number of output elements of twenty-five. The Beta measures systematic risk based on how returns on Nice Information Tel correlated with the market. If Beta is less than 0 Nice Information generally moves in the opposite direction as compared to the market. If Nice Information Beta is about zero movement of price series is uncorrelated with the movement of the benchmark. if Beta is between zero and one Nice Information Tel is generally moves in the same direction as, but less than the movement of the market. For Beta = 1 movement of Nice Information is generally in the same direction as the market. If Beta > 1 Nice Information moves generally in the same direction as, but more than the movement of the benchmark.

Nice Information Thematic Clasifications

Nice Information Telecommunication is part of several thematic ideas from ISP to Wireless. If you are a theme-oriented, socially responsible, and at the same time, a result-driven investor, you can align your investing habits with your values without jeopardizing your expectations about returns. You can easily create an optimal portfolio of stocks, ETFs, funds, or cryptocurrencies based on a specific theme of your liking. Get More Thematic Ideas

Nice Information July 6, 2024 Opportunity Range

Along with financial statement analysis, the daily predictive indicators of Nice Information help investors to analyze its daily demand and supply, volume, patterns, and price swings to determine the real value of Nice Information Telecommunication. We use our internally-developed statistical techniques to arrive at the intrinsic value of Nice Information Telecommunication based on widely used predictive technical indicators. In general, we focus on analyzing Nice Stock price patterns and their correlations with different microeconomic environment and drivers. We also apply predictive analytics to build Nice Information's daily price indicators and compare them against related drivers.

Complementary Tools for Nice Stock analysis

When running Nice Information's price analysis, check to measure Nice Information's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy Nice Information is operating at the current time. Most of Nice Information's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of Nice Information's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move Nice Information's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of Nice Information to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.
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