Hennessy Capital Stock from 2010 to 2024

HCVIU Stock  USD 10.71  0.00  0.00%   
Hennessy Capital Capital Stock yearly trend continues to be comparatively stable with very little volatility. Capital Stock will likely drop to about 254.8 M in 2024. Capital Stock is the total amount of a company's capital funded by shareholders through the issue and subscription of shares. View All Fundamentals
Capital Stock  
First Reported
Previous Quarter
270.2 M
Current Value
254.8 M
Quarterly Volatility
27.8 M
Credit Downgrade
Yuan Drop
Check Hennessy Capital financial statements over time to gain insight into future company performance. You can evaluate financial statements to find patterns among Hennessy Capital's main balance sheet or income statement drivers, such as Depreciation And Amortization of 5.1 M, Interest Expense of 11.9 M or Selling General Administrative of 2.7 M, as well as many indicators such as Price To Sales Ratio of 0.0, Dividend Yield of 0.0 or PTB Ratio of 1.19. Hennessy financial statements analysis is a perfect complement when working with Hennessy Capital Valuation or Volatility modules.
Check out the analysis of Hennessy Capital Correlation against competitors.

Latest Hennessy Capital's Capital Stock Growth Pattern

Below is the plot of the Capital Stock of Hennessy Capital Investment over the last few years. It is the total amount of a company's capital funded by shareholders through the issue and subscription of shares. Hennessy Capital's Capital Stock historical data analysis aims to capture in quantitative terms the overall pattern of either growth or decline in Hennessy Capital's overall financial position and show how it may be relating to other accounts over time.
Capital Stock10 Years Trend
Slightly volatile
   Capital Stock   

Hennessy Capital Stock Regression Statistics

Arithmetic Mean330,708,053
Geometric Mean329,459,283
Coefficient Of Variation8.42
Mean Deviation18,182,174
Standard Deviation27,849,417
Sample Variance775.6T
Mean Square Error555.2T
Total Sum of Squares10858.3T

Hennessy Capital Stock History

2024254.8 M
2023270.2 M
2022344.4 M

Other Fundumenentals of Hennessy Capital Inv

Hennessy Capital Capital Stock component correlations

About Hennessy Capital Financial Statements

Hennessy Capital shareholders use historical fundamental indicators, such as Capital Stock, to determine how well the company is positioned to perform in the future. Although Hennessy Capital investors may analyze each financial statement separately, they are all interrelated. The changes in Hennessy Capital's assets and liabilities, for example, are also reflected in the revenues and expenses on on Hennessy Capital's income statement. Understanding these patterns can help investors time the market effectively. Please read more on our fundamental analysis page.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Capital Stock270.2 M254.8 M

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Additional Tools for Hennessy Stock Analysis

When running Hennessy Capital's price analysis, check to measure Hennessy Capital's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy Hennessy Capital is operating at the current time. Most of Hennessy Capital's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of Hennessy Capital's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move Hennessy Capital's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of Hennessy Capital to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.