Forafric Global Company Insiders

AFRIW Stock  USD 1.50  0.02  1.35%   
Forafric Global employs about 600 people. The company is managed by 5 executives with a total tenure of roughly 1400 years, averaging almost 280.0 years of service per executive, having 120.0 employees per reported executive. Recap of Forafric Global's management performance can provide insight into the venture performance.
Check out Trending Equities to better understand how to build diversified portfolios, which includes a position in Forafric Global PLC. Also, note that the market value of any company could be closely tied with the direction of predictive economic indicators such as signals in gross domestic product.

Forafric Global Management Team Effectiveness

Return On Capital Employed is likely to climb to 0.04 in 2024, whereas Return On Tangible Assets are likely to drop (0.05) in 2024. At this time, Forafric Global's Non Currrent Assets Other are fairly stable compared to the past year. Intangibles To Total Assets is likely to climb to 0.21 in 2024, whereas Non Current Assets Total are likely to drop slightly above 184.3 M in 2024. Forafric Global's management efficiency ratios could be used to measure how well Forafric Global manages its routine affairs as well as how well it operates its assets and liabilities.
Common Stock Shares Outstanding is likely to drop to about 25.4 M in 2024

Forafric Global Workforce Comparison

Forafric Global PLC is number one stock in number of employees category among its peers. The total workforce of Consumer Staples industry is presently estimated at about 1,783. Forafric Global totals roughly 600 in number of employees claiming about 34% of stocks in Consumer Staples industry.

Forafric Global Profit Margins

The company has Profit Margin (PM) of (0.04) %, which may suggest that it does not properly executes on its current pricing strategies or is unable to control all of the operational costs. This is way below average. Similarly, it shows Operating Margin (OM) of 0.02 %, which suggests for every 100 dollars of sales, it generated a net operating income of $0.02.
Current ValueLast YearChange From Last Year 10 Year Trend
Gross Profit Margin0.170.0996
Way Up
Slightly volatile

Forafric Global PLC Benchmark Summation

The output start index for this execution was zero with a total number of output elements of sixty-one. Forafric Global PLC Price Series Summation is a cross summation of Forafric Global price series and its benchmark/peer.

Forafric Global Notable Stakeholders

A Forafric Global stakeholder refers to an individual interested in an outcome of the business. Different stakeholders have different interests, and companies such as Forafric Global often face trade-offs trying to please all of them. Forafric Global's stakeholders can have a positive or negative influence on the entity's direction, and there are a lot of executives involved in getting Forafric Global's stock to the level that pleases all shareholders. Keeping track of the stakeholders is a great way to stay on top of things affecting its ongoing price.
Sad BendidiExecutive ChairmanProfile
Mustapha GhazaliChief OfficerProfile
Julien BenitahCFO DirectorProfile
Michael ElbazConsultant DirectorProfile
Mustapha JamaleddineChief OfficerProfile

About Forafric Global Management Performance

The success or failure of an entity such as Forafric Global PLC often depends on how effective the management is. Forafric Global management team is responsible for propelling the future growth in the right direction and administering and controlling the business activities and accounting for the results. Ineffective management usually contributes to failure in the company's future performance for all stakeholders equally, but most importantly, for investors. So it is important to measure the effectiveness of Forafric management before purchasing its stock. In many ways, it's all about finding the answer to one important question - Are they doing the right thing right now? How would we assess whether the Forafric management is utilizing all available resources in the best possible way? Also, how well is the company doing relative to others in its sector and the market as a whole? The answer can be found by analyzing a few important fundamental indicators such as return on assets and return on equity.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Return On Tangible Assets(0.05)(0.05)
Return On Capital Employed 0.02  0.04 
Return On Assets(0.04)(0.04)
Return On Equity(0.56)(0.53)
The data published in Forafric Global's official financial statements typically reflect Forafric Global's business processes, product offerings, services, and other fundamental events. However, there are additional fundamental indicators that are easier to understand and visualize along the underlying realities that are driving Forafric Global's quantitative information. For example, before you start analyzing numbers published by Forafric accountants, it's essential to understand Forafric Global's liquidity, profitability, and earnings quality within the context of the Food Products space in which it operates.
Please note, the imprecision that can be found in Forafric Global's accounting process means that the reasonable investor should take a skeptical approach toward the financial statement analysis of Forafric Global PLC. Check Forafric Global's Beneish M Score to see the likelihood of Forafric Global's management manipulating its earnings.

Forafric Global Workforce Analysis

Traditionally, organizations such as Forafric Global use manpower efficiency calculations for various incentive schemes, employee appraisal, or as an initiative to improve the processes. However, it can also be used by investors to make long-term investment decisions. The trends in the profit per employee or revenue per employee are measured by net income or revenue divided by the current number of full-time employees over a given time interval. Because workforce needs differ across sectors, these ratios could be used to compare Forafric Global within its industry.

Forafric Global Manpower Efficiency

Return on Forafric Global Manpower

Revenue Per Employee509.1K
Revenue Per Executive61.1M
Net Loss Per Employee21.1K
Net Loss Per Executive2.5M

Additional Tools for Forafric Stock Analysis

When running Forafric Global's price analysis, check to measure Forafric Global's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy Forafric Global is operating at the current time. Most of Forafric Global's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of Forafric Global's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move Forafric Global's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of Forafric Global to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.