Vifor Pharma AG Valuation

Based on Macroaxis valuation methodology, the company cannot be evaluated at this time. Vifor Pharma AG current Real Value cannot be determined due to lack of data. The regular price of Vifor Pharma AG is $0.0. Our model measures the value of Vifor Pharma AG from inspecting the company fundamentals such as Return On Equity of 6.65, shares outstanding of 64.86 M, and Operating Margin of 20.94 % as well as reviewing its technical indicators and probability of bankruptcy.

Vifor Pharma Total Value Analysis

Vifor Pharma AG is currently forecasted to have takeover price of 11.98 B with market capitalization of 14.45 B, debt of 587.5 M, and cash on hands of 993.6 M. Please note that takeover price may be misleading and is a subject to mistakes in financial statements. We encourage investors to thoroughly investigate all of the Vifor Pharma fundamentals before making investing decisions based on enterprise value of the company
  Takeover PriceMarket CapDebt ObligationsCash
11.98 B
14.45 B
587.5 M
993.6 M

Vifor Pharma Investor Information

About 26.0% of the company shares are owned by institutional investors. The book value of Vifor Pharma was currently reported as 55.04. The company recorded earning per share (EPS) of 6.06. Vifor Pharma AG last dividend was issued on the 29th of April 2022. The entity had a split on the 22nd of May 2017. Based on the key measurements obtained from Vifor Pharma's financial statements, Vifor Pharma AG is not in a good financial situation at this time. It has a very high probability of going through financial hardship in October.

Vifor Pharma Asset Utilization

The asset utilization indicator refers to the revenue earned for every dollar of assets a company currently reports. Vifor Pharma has an asset utilization ratio of 49.45 percent. This implies that the Company is making $0.49 for each dollar of assets. An increasing asset utilization means that Vifor Pharma AG is more efficient with each dollar of assets it utilizes for everyday operations.

Vifor Pharma Ownership Allocation

Vifor Pharma AG shows a total of 64.86 Million outstanding shares. About 73.89 % of Vifor Pharma outstanding shares are held by general public with 0.06 (%) owned by insiders and only 26.05 % by institutional holders. Please note that no matter how many assets the company owns, if the real value of the company is less than the current market value, you may not be able to make money on it.

Vifor Pharma Profitability Analysis

The company reported the revenue of 1.81 B. Net Income was 146.6 M with profit before overhead, payroll, taxes, and interest of 1.14 B.
Please note that valuation analysis is one of the essential comprehensive assessments in business. It evaluates Vifor Pharma's worth, which you can determine by considering its current assets, liabilities and future cash flows. The investors' valuation analysis is an important metric that will give you a perspective on different companies. It helps you know the worth of the potential investment in Vifor Pharma and how it compares across the competition.

Vifor Pharma Growth Indicators

Investing in growth stocks can be very risky. If the company such as Vifor Pharma does not do well, investors take a loss on the stock when it is time to sell. Also, because growth stocks typically do not pay dividends, the only opportunity an investor has to make money on their investment is when they eventually sell their shares.
Trailing Annual Dividend Rate2.00
Float Shares36.39M
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Other Consideration for investing in Vifor Pink Sheet

If you are still planning to invest in Vifor Pharma AG check if it may still be traded through OTC markets such as Pink Sheets or OTC Bulletin Board. You may also purchase it directly from the company, but this is not always possible and may require contacting the company directly. Please note that delisted stocks are often considered to be more risky investments, as they are no longer subject to the same regulatory and reporting requirements as listed stocks. Therefore, it is essential to carefully research the Vifor Pharma's history and understand the potential risks before investing.
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