THCH Property Plant Equipment from 2010 to 2024

THCH Stock  USD 0.71  0.04  5.75%   
TH International's Property Plant Equipment is increasing with slightly volatile movements from year to year. Property Plant Equipment is predicted to flatten to about 318.7 M. For the period between 2010 and 2024, TH International, Property Plant Equipment quarterly trend regression had mean deviation of  169,101,421 and range of 557.7 M. View All Fundamentals
Property Plant Equipment  
First Reported
Previous Quarter
637.1 M
Current Value
318.7 M
Quarterly Volatility
207.3 M
Credit Downgrade
Yuan Drop
Check TH International financial statements over time to gain insight into future company performance. You can evaluate financial statements to find patterns among TH International's main balance sheet or income statement drivers, such as Tax Provision of 102.1 K, Interest Income of 13.4 M or Depreciation And Amortization of 87 M, as well as many indicators such as Price To Sales Ratio of 1.15, Dividend Yield of 0.0 or Days Sales Outstanding of 37.76. THCH financial statements analysis is a perfect complement when working with TH International Valuation or Volatility modules.
Check out the analysis of TH International Correlation against competitors.

Latest TH International's Property Plant Equipment Growth Pattern

Below is the plot of the Property Plant Equipment of TH International Limited over the last few years. It is TH International's Property Plant Equipment historical data analysis aims to capture in quantitative terms the overall pattern of either growth or decline in TH International's overall financial position and show how it may be relating to other accounts over time.
Property Plant Equipment10 Years Trend
Slightly volatile
   Property Plant Equipment   

THCH Property Plant Equipment Regression Statistics

Arithmetic Mean206,270,210
Geometric Mean139,481,210
Coefficient Of Variation100.52
Mean Deviation169,101,421
Standard Deviation207,337,419
Sample Variance42988.8T
Mean Square Error20120.7T
Total Sum of Squares601843.3T

THCH Property Plant Equipment History

2024318.7 M
2023637.1 M
2021554 M
2020235.8 M

About TH International Financial Statements

Investors use fundamental indicators, such as TH International's Property Plant Equipment, to determine how well the company is positioned to perform in the future. Although TH International's investors may analyze each financial statement separately, they are all interrelated. Understanding these patterns can help investors make the right trading decisions.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Property Plant Equipment637.1 M318.7 M

Currently Active Assets on Macroaxis

Other Information on Investing in THCH Stock

TH International financial ratios help investors to determine whether THCH Stock is cheap or expensive when compared to a particular measure, such as profits or enterprise value. In other words, they help investors to determine the cost of investment in THCH with respect to the benefits of owning TH International security.