INBKZ Interest Expense from 2010 to 2024

INBKZ Stock  USD 24.75  0.15  0.61%   
INBKZ Interest Expense yearly trend continues to be fairly stable with very little volatility. Interest Expense is likely to outpace its year average in 2024. Interest Expense is the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds, including loans, bonds, or lines of credit. View All Fundamentals
Interest Expense  
First Reported
Previous Quarter
5.4 M
Current Value
5.3 M
Quarterly Volatility
9.6 M
Housing Crash
Credit Downgrade
Yuan Drop
Check INBKZ financial statements over time to gain insight into future company performance. You can evaluate financial statements to find patterns among INBKZ's main balance sheet or income statement drivers, such as Depreciation And Amortization of 3.6 M, Interest Expense of 30.4 M or Selling General Administrative of 51.7 M, as well as many indicators such as Price To Sales Ratio of 0.76, Dividend Yield of 0.0098 or PTB Ratio of 0.58. INBKZ financial statements analysis is a perfect complement when working with INBKZ Valuation or Volatility modules.
Check out the analysis of INBKZ Correlation against competitors.
For more information on how to buy INBKZ Stock please use our How to Invest in INBKZ guide.

Latest INBKZ's Interest Expense Growth Pattern

Below is the plot of the Interest Expense of INBKZ over the last few years. It is the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds, including loans, bonds, or lines of credit. INBKZ's Interest Expense historical data analysis aims to capture in quantitative terms the overall pattern of either growth or decline in INBKZ's overall financial position and show how it may be relating to other accounts over time.
Interest Expense10 Years Trend
Slightly volatile
   Interest Expense   

INBKZ Interest Expense Regression Statistics

Arithmetic Mean31,743,701
Geometric Mean22,952,761
Coefficient Of Variation80.50
Mean Deviation21,118,466
Standard Deviation25,552,665
Sample Variance652.9T
Mean Square Error436.3T
Total Sum of Squares9141.1T

INBKZ Interest Expense History

202430.4 M
202321.2 M
202259.8 M
202147.3 M
202072.3 M
201984.4 M
201853.2 M

About INBKZ Financial Statements

INBKZ investors use historical fundamental indicators, such as INBKZ's Interest Expense, to determine how well the company is positioned to perform in the future. Understanding over-time patterns can help investors decide on long-term investments in INBKZ. Please read more on our technical analysis and fundamental analysis pages.
Last ReportedProjected for Next Year
Interest Expense21.2 M30.4 M

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Additional Tools for INBKZ Stock Analysis

When running INBKZ's price analysis, check to measure INBKZ's market volatility, profitability, liquidity, solvency, efficiency, growth potential, financial leverage, and other vital indicators. We have many different tools that can be utilized to determine how healthy INBKZ is operating at the current time. Most of INBKZ's value examination focuses on studying past and present price action to predict the probability of INBKZ's future price movements. You can analyze the entity against its peers and the financial market as a whole to determine factors that move INBKZ's price. Additionally, you may evaluate how the addition of INBKZ to your portfolios can decrease your overall portfolio volatility.