Eran Friedlander - Corporate Insider

Generate Optimal Portfolios

The classical approach to portfolio optimization is known as Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). It involves categorizing the investment universe based on risk (standard deviation) and return, and then choosing the mix of investments that achieves the desired risk-versus-return tradeoff. Portfolio optimization can also be thought of as a risk-management strategy as every type of equity has a distinct return and risk characteristics as well as different systemic risks, which describes how they respond to the market at large. Macroaxis enables investors to optimize portfolios that have a mix of equities (such as stocks, funds, or ETFs) and cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or Monero)
By capturing your risk tolerance and investment horizon Macroaxis technology of instant portfolio optimization will compute exactly how much risk is acceptable for your desired return expectations
Check out your portfolio center.
Note that this page's information should be used as a complementary analysis to find the right mix of equity instruments to add to your existing portfolios or create a brand new portfolio. You can also try the Investing Opportunities module to build portfolios using our predefined set of ideas and optimize them against your investing preferences.

Other Complementary Tools

Portfolio Comparator
Compare the composition, asset allocations and performance of any two portfolios in your account
Price Ceiling Movement
Calculate and plot Price Ceiling Movement for different equity instruments
Aroon Oscillator
Analyze current equity momentum using Aroon Oscillator and other momentum ratios
My Watchlist Analysis
Analyze my current watchlist and to refresh optimization strategy. Macroaxis watchlist is based on self-learning algorithm to remember stocks you like
Bollinger Bands
Use Bollinger Bands indicator to analyze target price for a given investing horizon